More sales, less effort.

Because pushing so hard has a finish line.

Mini Sales Messaging Assessment with messaging strategist, positioning expert, and copywriter jillian anderson.

Youโ€™re making bold moves publicly. It helps to have a trained eye on your work. ๐Ÿ”“๐Ÿ’ธ

When you book the Mini Sales Messaging Assessment you receive:

  • my eye on your current messaging + copy for up to 3 of your current core offers.

  • my overall assessment of the way youโ€™re communicating the value and impact of each offer.

  • 1 (90 min) zoom call to discuss my findings and to talk through your goals, sales systems, customer journey, and challenges.

  • An organized PDF report outlining my assessment and your most important next steps.


Click the button below to purchase your Mini Sales Messaging Assessment.

  • My team and I will email you with a link to your intake form and my calendar.

  • The A+ Sales Page Analysis is an in-depth top-to-bottom analysis of every word and every section on your sales page.

    The Mini Sales Messaging Assessment is a big-picture assessment of your offer suite and your current copy for up to 3 core offers.

"Just did the math and I booked over $15k in sales! The very first 5-figure month in my HD School.

And I only sent out 2 emails to my list and I didn't even share on social media.

And this all happened while I was traveling with my partner to San Francisco.

It was such a dream "launch" and I 1000% credit the success to the quality of the sales page.โ€

โ€” Korynn