003 | Following Soul, Leaving the Fashion Industry, and Starting a Social Enterprise with Carla Maria

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If you’re a woman who is called to create a positive impact in the world, and bring healing to the lives of others, you’re going to enjoy this conversation with social entrepreneur and activist Carla Maria of Project Tres. There are so many gems in this conversation, especially if your life path is calling you to make drastic changes! Enjoy this episode, and don’t forget to screenshot the episode and post to your Instagram story so Carla’s voice and work can reach as many people as possible.

In this episode we discussed: 

  • Carla’s transition from Brazil to San Diego and the birth of Project Três

  • The mission and current happenings of Project Três

  • The importance of education for true, sustainable empowerment of women

  • Carla’s advice for making the transition out of unfulfilling work

  • How to deal with other people’s opinions while you follow your visions

  • The reality of the fires in the Amazon and our power as consumers

  • How Carla overcame the challenge of finding her voice and getting her project off the ground

  • Importance of making mistakes and knowing your “why” as you start your business

  • Current happenings of Project Três and how you can support their work this holiday season

Stay in Touch with Carla




Website: https://project-tres.org

About Carla Maria

Carla Maria is a Brazilian social entrepreneur, activist, and founder of Project Três, a women’s empowerment project taking place in India and Kenya. Carla used her own life challenges suffering domestic violence, as a tool to empower other women to overcome their issues, by teaching them handcraft skills for financial independence. Project Três has 31 women currently working in both countries, and has empowered over 90 women since it's beginning in 2016.